Here you can find more information about the partners of the project.

An association from Havířov, Czech Republic, established in 2018. The association works in the field of non-formal education and international educational projects, particularly in the framework of the Erasmus+ program. The NGO took part in over 80 youth exchanges and training courses in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa and organized 11...

Miejska Streta Kultury w Lódźi is a public cultural centre co-financed by Municipality of Lódź. It consists of 15 branches located in different disctricts of the city. The branches work under one brand, combining their experience and achievements. The main aim of MSK is to respond to the needs of local community in the area of non-formal and...



The title of the association in Latin reťers to its principal objective: to mobilize. As secondary school former and present teachers we support the movement of young people mainly from 15 to 19 years with educational and solidary purposes. We try to strengthen their personal, social and professional skills and to gain a self-esteem what...

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